What You Need To Know When Buying A Property For Cash
Category Buying Property
It is generally known that a cash purchase is always a better option when buying property.
What You Need To Know When You Are Buying Property In Joint Ownership
Category Buying Property
There's no denying that it's tough to break into the property market
The Pros And Cons Of Co-Ownership
Category Buying Property
Buying property, whether for personal use or investment or business purposes, remains a stressful exercise.
Container Homes In South Africa - Why It has Not Taken Off As An Affordable Home Choice
Category Buying Property
Developed as an affordable housing option, the container home is a trend originating in Australia that many thought would provide a solution to the housing cri
A Foreigner’s Guide To Buying Property In South Africa - 2018
Category Buying Property
There is no restriction on foreign investors acquiring property in South Africa.
5 Things First Time Property Buyers Should Know
Category Buying Property
Throughout the process of house hunting and searching for your perfect home, it is easy to overlook important drawbacks whilst admiring the charming aspects
What Do You Need To Know About Beetle Certificates of Compliance?
Category Buying Property
Certifies that the accessible wood of permanent structures on the property are free from certain wood-destroying beetles
Is It Important To Put Down A Deposit When Financing An Investment Property?
Category Buying Property
According to Tshireletso Rakgori from Alexander Forbes paying a deposit towards a mortgage bond can make a significant difference.
To Invest In Property Will Still Be Your Safest Investment For 2016
Category Buying Property
The opportunity to move investments offshore has passed, the stock market is immensely volatile, and this will be the year when intensified property investment
Financial Constraints Could Prioritise Homeownership
Category Buying Property
The pressure that for some two years now has been felt by the South African consumer, although regrettable, could be having a beneficial effect in one respect