Rental Deposits - Know Your Rights
Category Rental Information
Tenants need to protect their interests and make every effort to document the condition of the home at the time of occupation
What To Do When Your Tenants Does Not Pay Their Rent - What You Need To Know About The PIE Act
Category Rental Information
It can be tempting for any property owner or landlord to consider simply kicking your non-paying tenant out yourself and change the locks when they have failed
Pets And A Rental Home
Category Rental Information
Owning pets and renting don't necessarily go hand in hand and there are an increasing number of landlords who refuse to allow animals on the rental premises.
Can You Terminate A Lease Agreement Without Breaching The Contract Agreement?
Category Rental Information
Under what circumstances can a tenant terminate their tenancy without breaching their contract agreement?
7 Ways To Prevent Rental Agreements From Becoming A Nightmare
Category Rental Information
Rental horror stories abound - nightmare tenants, greedy landlords, lazy agents and countless other woes surrounding the rental industry are created by a few
Importance Of Mid-Term Inspections Of Rental Property- Lessen Issues Early Between Landlord & Tenant
Category Rental Information
It is important for a landlord to not only stay on top of your rental property at the beginning or the end of a lease period.
Rental Housing Tribunals - Know Your Rights
Category Rental Information
The relationship between a landlord and a tenant can often be challenging. From time to time, issues arise which cannot be amicably overcome and the need for
What To Do When I Can't Pay My Rent
Category Rental Information
Most South Africans are fairly adept at stretching a pay cheque when necessary, thanks to our unpredictable economy, high unemployment rate, and skyrocketing
Important Questions Tenants Must Ask
Category Rental Information
Renting your first property can be a daunting experience, especially when you read about all the things that could go wrong.
Renting Through A Letting Agent VS A Private Landlord
Category Rental Information
There are many benefits for tenants using both letting agents and private landlords. Find out which is best for you.